
What are the benefits of Laravel APIs for business applications?

In the evolving landscape of technology, falling behind industry trends can result in a loss of automation benefits and decreased productivity. If your business operations seem outdated and less efficient, it’s time to explore the transformative power of APIs.  At Mallow, our effective management of typical challenges like inefficient data exchange, slow automation, and outdated […]

mobile application development

Top 7 mistakes to avoid while building your mobile application MVP

Do you find yourself grappling with the temptation to overload your app with features, unsure of which ones are truly essential for your Minimum Viable Product (MVP)? Picture a scenario where the performance of your app leaves users frustrated, navigating through a sluggish interface. Are you adequately prepared to scale your application when the user […]

laravel development services

Top 8 mobile application development platforms in 2024

The world of mobile applications signals a strategic move for businesses aiming to thrive in the digital realm. The power of a well-crafted mobile app is unparalleled, providing a direct avenue to engage with a global audience. Choosing the right mobile application development platform is akin to laying the foundation for your digital success.  In […]

What are the benefits of Laravel packages for your business application?

Embarking on the Laravel development journey brings the exciting task of choosing the right packages to amplify your application’s power and simplify the development process. Laravel, known for its friendly syntax and powerful features, lays a solid foundation for crafting web applications. Laravel packages offer versatile solutions, streamlining tasks such as debugging and profiling, ensuring […]

Hire Python developers : Cost factors and considerations 

Another day spent delving into the costs and considerations of hiring Python developers? With a plethora of sources and information available, the overwhelming sense of uncertainty regarding the optimal decision has become all too familiar. Questions such as “Is the investment justifiable?” and “Am I following the correct procedure to hire Python developers?” among other […]

laravel development company

What does it look like to work with a Python development company like Mallow?

Have you recently explored information about Mallow? Have you initiated a conversation with our expert by completing the form? We understand that reaching this stage of the shortlisting process may have involved overcoming challenges. However, your questions and uncertainties may not end here. We are dedicated to providing comprehensive assistance as you consider collaborating with […]

Mobile project

What is it like to work on a mobile project with Mallow?

Have you recently delved into information about Mallow? Have you taken the step to fill out the form to kickstart a conversation with our expert? We understand that reaching this stage in the shortlisting process may have involved overcoming various challenges. However, your questions and uncertainties are unlikely to fade at this point.  We are […]

Should I use Laravel framework for my enterprise web development?

Well, it’s just another typical day of yours with lots of questions on which would probably be the right framework for your application. You might find yourself asking: When it comes to building enterprise-level applications, the utilisation of Laravel not only sidesteps these pain points but also offers a robust solution to the intricacies people […]

How can I optimise my iOS application to achieve user-centric design?

In iOS app development, user-centric design is crucial for success. Ignoring user needs leads to poor experience, low engagement, compatibility issues, harm to brand reputation, and higher churn.  Our team of developers and designers at Mallow have years of experience navigating the evolving landscape of iOS mobile applications. We pride ourselves on our commitment to […]

Common e-commerce challenges with your Laravel applications and how to solve them

Are you an e-commerce enthusiast who’s taken the entrepreneurial leap into the world of online retail with a Laravel-based application? If so, you’re likely familiar with the exhilaration and the hurdles that come with it. Have you ever wondered how to tackle those scaling issues that seem to be an ever-looming challenge? Have you explored […]